• In the fast-paced world of London’s career women, achieving work-life balance can feel like …

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  • As a Londoner, I’ve had my fair share of makeup meltdowns on the Central …

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  •   As hit the halfway mark of the year, it’s the perfect time to …

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  • The Importance of Knowing Yourself

    Hey my lovelies, today I’m talking about the importance of getting to know yourself. I’m changing direction a bit and whilst style will always be a huge focus on the blog I want to do…

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    My Takeaways from a Trip to New York

    There are only ever two options, “do something” or “do nothing”

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    5 Ways to Elevate your Life

    Depending solely on the mental affirmation of your own thoughts could mean you miss out on vital information

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    Planning Junkie

    I hold my hands up, I admit it- I’m a self-confessed planning freak! If I had £1 for every time I sat down and set out a this is how I’m going to achieve X…

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    Happy Sunday all. This week, I want to talk about the importance of gratitude and living in the present moment. I mentioned a while back, in my life update post that I’ve had a change…

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