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  • Mid-Year Career Audit: How to Assess and Realign Your Professional Goals


    As hit the halfway mark of the year, it’s the perfect time to take stock of your career trajectory. A mid-year career audit isn’t just another task on your to-do list—it’s a powerful tool for professional growth and alignment. Let’s dive into how you can conduct this audit effectively and adjust your course for the rest of the year.


    1. Reflect on Your Achievements

    First, give yourself credit where it’s due. What have you accomplished so far? Maybe you’ve completed a challenging project, learned a new skill, or improved a process at work. Celebrating these wins isn’t just feel-good fluff—it’s a crucial step in understanding your strengths and progress.


    2. Reassess Your Goals

    Remember those New Year’s resolutions for your career? It’s time to dust them off. Are they still relevant? Have your priorities shifted? Don’t be afraid to adjust or even completely change your goals. Flexibility is a strength, not a weakness.


    3. Identify Skills Gaps

    In our rapidly evolving work landscape, staying relevant is key. What skills are becoming increasingly important in your field? Where do you need to level up? Consider both hard and soft skills—technical expertise is great, but don’t underestimate the power of improved communication or leadership abilities.


    4. Evaluate Work-Life Integration

    We’re way past the myth of perfect “work-life balance.” Instead, focus on work-life integration. How well does your career align with your personal values and lifestyle? If there’s friction, now’s the time to brainstorm solutions.


    5. Seek Feedback

    You don’t exist in a professional vacuum. Reach out to colleagues, mentors, or even clients for constructive feedback. Their perspectives can offer invaluable insights you might have missed.


    6. Plan Concrete Next Steps

    An audit without action is just navel-gazing. Based on your reflections, what specific steps can you take in the next six months? Whether it’s having a conversation with your manager about new responsibilities or signing up for that online course you’ve been eyeing, make your plans concrete and time-bound.


    Remember, a career audit isn’t about harsh self-criticism or unrealistic expectations. It’s about intentional growth and alignment. By taking the time to reflect and realign now, you’re setting yourself up for a more fulfilling and successful second half of the year.


    Your career, like sustainability, is about long-term thinking and consistent effort. So pour yourself a cup of fair-trade coffee, grab your recycled paper notebook, and get auditing. Your future self will thank you.

    I hope you enjoyed this post! If you’re thinking more about designing the career and life you want, here are some helpful tools to get started.

    If you’re more of a digital planner, I’d highly recommend Microsoft OneNote, Trello, Evernote or Any.do. If you’d like a review of these digital planners and others to try, let me know in the comments.

    If you enjoyed this post, remember to like, subscribe, and follow me on Instagram at @lifeTREstyle. Stay stylish and see you next time!

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