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  • T Re: Life Change & Fitness

    I’ve had it. Enough is enough. I’m sick of sitting on my ass watching the fabulous lives some have crafted for themselves. From now on, I’m gonna get mine! This is going to be a long transition. One I hope you can join me on.

    I’ve been feeling this way for a while. Whilst I’ve slowly made some changes, some bigger than others… I think now is the time to get organised. I need structure and routine and no that does not necessarily mean boring.

    My first act under the T revamped regime was to join the gym. I headed down to my local Virgin Active today and signed myself up.. tell me something original I here you say. Well this is not about to be one of those “I eat kale, run up mountains and plan on doing tough mudder” type of blogs.

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    Though, I do plan to go every week day morning until I hit my goal. Come on they have spa facilities and everything…. The point I’m trying to make is that I’m not cutting anything out. I’m going to eat what I want when I want, but be mindful. Some of that healthy crap is pretty tasty anyway.

    For those of you wanting to start your change through fitness, but for whatever reason you don’t want to go to the gym, I’d like to recommend the FitStar app. You pay like £5 a month (there is a free option too) and get access to loads of guided exercise routines and it even tells you how many calories you can burn doing the routine. If you have a Fitbit or Apple Watch (or, even just the pedometer on your phone) you can track your steps and how much you burn just by living. I also link mine to MyFitnessPal so I can watch my food intake.

    I managed to lose half a stone in the month before my holiday using these apps. I also changed my daily commute. Instead of driving to the station from my house and then a 7 min walk to the office the other side, I walked 20 mins to my local station and then had a further 15 minute walk to the office. Imagine, morning and evening. It wasn’t even that bad in truth. Through MyFitnessPal I restricted my calories to 1200 (yes, I cheated often). In the end I was clocking up over 15000 steps most days.

    This is only the first step. Being healthy is one thing , but feeling and looking great is also a part of that. Join me in my posts to come where I’ll share my take on this as part of the Life Change series. 

    You can download FitStar from the Apple/Play stores 




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