• In the fast-paced world of London’s career women, achieving work-life balance can feel like …

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  • As a Londoner, I’ve had my fair share of makeup meltdowns on the Central …

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  •   As hit the halfway mark of the year, it’s the perfect time to …

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  • How to maintain your identity

    Leather Jacket, All Saints | Dress, Zara, similar| Boots, Reserved | Sunglasses, Na-kd So, my last post was titled What to wear to your baby shower, I can now confirm we’ve had the baby. I…

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    Wow it’s a new decade and as I like to talk a lot about on my blog, it’s a chance for a fresh start. I’ve spent the festive break reflecting on 2019, what went well…

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    Leaving it to fate

    Life’s hard! Sorry, that sounds a bit dramatic, but it’s true. We all go about our daily lives and sometimes, at least for me, it all gets a bit too much. All the daily decision…

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    5 life lessons I’ve learned recently

    It’s been a little while since I’ve laid out a more thoughtful piece, and recently I feel like the universe has been trying to focus my attention. So, this week I thought I’d share some…

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    Don’t Lose to Conformity

    Sometimes the best way forward is to take a step back. It’s so easy to lose yourself when you confuse success with conformity. You’re probably wondering what I’m going on about, well let me explain.…

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