• In the fast-paced world of London’s career women, achieving work-life balance can feel like …

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  • As a Londoner, I’ve had my fair share of makeup meltdowns on the Central …

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  •   As hit the halfway mark of the year, it’s the perfect time to …

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  • T Re: The Young Black Professional

    It’s been a while since I’ve done a more chatty post and while the outfit inspo is still here if you’re coming for that, I thought it was high time I wrote about something important.…

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    T Re: Neglect

    I’ve been neglecting my blog recently and before you think anything, no I haven’t given up! If anything I think I’m more all in than I ever was. Things have been fairly busy round these…

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    T Re: How to Stay Motivated

    It’s currently a Sunday afternoon as I write this post and I have been up since about 8:30 am. Not too bad, if you ask me, after the Blnk Canvas Day Party I attended yesterday,…

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    T Re: Top 5 tips on Mindfulness

    I’m sitting here alone, outside at the Costa on Gloucester Place. I’m sipping a lovely coconut milk vanilla latte and maybe because it’s national mental health week, I’m noticing that what I feel is a…

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    T Re: Nutribullet Fabulous

    I’ve reached a point in my life where health and fitness are becoming more and more important to me. I’ve been reading and looking in to the effects of plant based diets and while I’m…

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