• In the fast-paced world of London’s career women, achieving work-life balance can feel like …

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  • As a Londoner, I’ve had my fair share of makeup meltdowns on the Central …

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  •   As hit the halfway mark of the year, it’s the perfect time to …

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  • T Re: Birchbox + my December Update

    This month has been manic, I am working on a large work project and it has consumed not only my time, but also my sanity and mental capacity. I want to blog so much more…

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    T Re: Yesterday

    Yesterday was just crap. You know when you have a day where literally nothing goes right. I went to the gym in the morning, then left on time only to get stuck in traffic. That…

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    T Re: The Struggle

    One thing I’ve struggled with recently is realising that sometimes in life you get exactly what you want only to realise it is not at all what you need. My decision to work in finance…

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